Metallurgy Europe Invitation
Buenos días,
EUREKA Cluster Metallurgy Europe en colaboración con AyS Manufacturing tiene el placer de invitarle al evento que se está organizando en Bilbao el próximo 16 de Marzo.
El principal objetivo de este evento es actualizar el estado de Metallurgy Europe y promover la creación de nuevos proyectos para la segunda convocatoria.
Esta convocatoria se lanzó en Diciembre de 2017 y continuará abierta hasta finales de Abril de 2018.
Puede encontrar más información sobre cómo acudir al evento y participar en este proyecto europeo a continuación:
Dear Members and Supporters of the EUREKA Cluster Metallurgy Europe,
Specifically, to promote the chance to discuss with our partners in Spain and Portugal we are organizing a Metallurgy Europe event in Bilbao on the 16.3.2018 to which you are cordially invited. The event is of course also open for everyone who is interested to join outside Spain and Portugal.
The event has the main purpose to give an update on the status of Metallurgy Europe and, even more, to support the creation of new projects for the second call. This call which is thematically rather open has been launched in December 2017 on the ME website and is currently open with deadline end of April 2018.
(see also
10.30 – 11.00 “Metallurgy Europe – update on current situation and requirements for call 2 proposals” – Ole Koeser, Chairman Metallurgy Europe and Center of Excellence Manager Casting & Metallurgy ESI-GROUP
11.00 – 11.30 “Metallurgy Europe in Spain: Best practices and recommendations”, Juana Sanchez, CDTI and EUREKA cluster National Project Coordinator for Spain
11.30 – 12.00 “Challenges and opportunities in Metallurgy linked with Factory 4.0”, Prof Francisco Chinesta, ENSAM
12-00 – 12.30 “Experiences as technological partner in the metallurgy industrial sector concerning local, national and international projects” Gorka Gorostiaga, Analysis Simulation
12.30 – 13.30 lunch + coffee
13.30 – 15.30 project match making workshop
You are also invited to do a presentation (10 min) of your idea that you would like to develop to a project. In case of interest just give us a hint so that the agenda can be adapted.
The event will take place in Zamudio room “Sala Polivalente”, Edificio Bic Bizkaia nº612, Astondo Bidea. 48160. Derio (Bizkaia).
Please feel encouraged to attend and develop new industry based joined projects based on international cooperation and having at least two partners in one project. The financial support available amounts to approximately 80-90 Mio. € through the countries mentioned explicitly in the call.
As we have to prepare the lunch break and need to now the number of participants to organize the catering we would need a confirmation from you before the 9.3.2018 by mail (to,
Looking forward to meet you in Bilbao.
Best regards
Hans Fecht, Ole Koeser, Stefan Zickgraf